Meniscus Tears: To Operate or Not? With Dr. Catherine Logan

Dr. Catherine Logan Knee Surgeon Meniscus

Meniscus tears are common knee injuries, particularly among athletes. Treatment varies depending on the tear's location, type, and severity, as well as the patient's age, activity level, and overall health. Here’s a comprehensive guide to treating meniscus tears:

Non-Surgical Treatments

1. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE)

2. Medications

3. Physical Therapy

4. Activity Modification

Surgical Treatments

1. Arthroscopic Surgery

Post-Surgical Rehabilitation

1. Initial Recovery Phase

2. Physical Therapy

Long-Term Management

1. Regular Exercise

2. Weight Management

3. Protective Gear

When to Seek Medical Attention


Treating meniscus tears involves a combination of non-surgical and surgical approaches, depending on the tear's severity and the patient's individual circumstances. Non-surgical treatments include rest, ice, compression, elevation, medications, physical therapy, and activity modification. Surgical options, such as meniscectomy, meniscus repair, or meniscus transplantation, are considered for more severe tears. Post-surgical rehabilitation and long-term management are crucial for full recovery and preventing future injuries. Always consult with a healthcare professional for personalized treatment and follow their recommendations closely.

Dr. Catherine Logan Headshot Dr. Catherine Logan, MD, MBA Catherine Logan, MD, MBA, MSPT, is a sports medicine orthopaedic surgeon specializing in complex knee and shoulder surgery at Colorado Sports Medicine and Orthopaedics (COSMO) in Denver, Colorado. As a former physical therapist & trainer, Dr. Logan provides a distinct expertise in sports injury, prevention, and surgical management.

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