How to Hydrate Youth Athletes During Tournaments?

How to hydrate

Hydration is crucial for youth athletes, especially during tournaments when they have multiple games or events in a day. Proper hydration helps maintain performance, prevent heat-related illnesses, and aid in recovery. Here are some strategies to ensure youth athletes stay well-hydrated:

Before the Tournament

  1. Hydration Preparation:

    • Ensure athletes are well-hydrated in the days leading up to the tournament.
    • Encourage drinking water regularly throughout the day, not just during practices or games.
  2. Pre-Hydration:

    • About 2-3 hours before the game, athletes should drink 16-20 ounces of water.
    • 20-30 minutes before the game, they should drink an additional 7-10 ounces.

During the Tournament

  1. Regular Drinking:

    • Encourage athletes to drink water every 15-20 minutes during play.
    • Aim for about 7-10 ounces of water every 20 minutes.
  2. Electrolyte Replacement:

    • For activities lasting longer than 60 minutes, especially in hot weather, consider sports drinks to replenish electrolytes lost through sweat.
    • Mix water with electrolyte drinks to avoid excess sugar intake.
  3. Cool Beverages:

    • Keep drinks cool in insulated bottles or coolers. Cool beverages are more palatable and help reduce body temperature.
  4. Avoid Over-Hydration:

    • Encourage drinking according to thirst and avoid excessive consumption of water to prevent hyponatremia (low blood sodium levels).

Between Games

  1. Rehydration:

    • After each game, athletes should drink to replace fluids lost during the game.
    • A good rule of thumb is to drink 16-24 ounces of fluid for every pound lost during activity.
  2. Balanced Nutrition:

    • Provide snacks that help with hydration, such as fruits with high water content (e.g., oranges, watermelon, strawberries).
    • Include snacks with some salt content to help retain fluids, like pretzels or crackers.

After the Tournament

  1. Post-Tournament Hydration:

    • Encourage athletes to continue drinking water or electrolyte beverages after their last game to ensure full rehydration.
  2. Hydration-Rich Foods:

    • Include water-rich foods in post-tournament meals, such as salads, fruits, and vegetables.

Tips for Parents and Coaches

  1. Monitor Urine Color:

    • Teach athletes to check their urine color. Light yellow indicates proper hydration, while dark yellow suggests dehydration.
  2. Accessible Hydration Stations:

    • Set up hydration stations with water and sports drinks at convenient locations around the tournament venue.
  3. Hydration Reminders:

    • Regularly remind athletes to drink fluids, especially younger children who may forget or not recognize their thirst.
  4. Education:

    • Educate athletes about the importance of hydration and the signs of dehydration, such as dry mouth, dizziness, and fatigue.

Hydration Equipment

  1. Water Bottles:

    • Provide each athlete with a personal water bottle labeled with their name.
    • Encourage them to carry it with them and refill it regularly.
  2. Coolers and Hydration Packs:

    • Use coolers filled with ice and beverages.
    • Hydration packs can be useful for older youth athletes in sports like soccer or cross-country.

By following these strategies, you can help ensure that youth athletes stay properly hydrated during tournaments, maintain their performance, and reduce the risk of dehydration-related issues.

Dr. Catherine Logan Headshot Dr. Catherine Logan, MD, MBA Catherine Logan, MD, MBA, MSPT, is a sports medicine orthopaedic surgeon specializing in complex knee and shoulder surgery at Colorado Sports Medicine and Orthopaedics (COSMO) in Denver, Colorado. As a former physical therapist & trainer, Dr. Logan provides a distinct expertise in sports injury, prevention, and surgical management.

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