How Long is ACL Rehab?

ACL Rehab

The length of ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) rehabilitation varies depending on factors such as the patient’s age, overall health, the extent of the injury, and adherence to the rehab protocol. However, a general timeline for ACL rehab is as follows:

Immediate Post-Surgery (Weeks 1-2)

Early Rehabilitation (Weeks 2-6)

Intermediate Rehabilitation (Weeks 6-12)

Advanced Rehabilitation (Months 3-6)

Return to Sport (Months 6-12)

Key Milestones

Important Considerations

By following a structured rehabilitation program and maintaining open communication with healthcare professionals, patients can optimize their recovery and safely return to their desired level of activity.

Dr. Catherine Logan Headshot Dr. Catherine Logan, MD, MBA Catherine Logan, MD, MBA, MSPT, is a sports medicine orthopaedic surgeon specializing in complex knee and shoulder surgery at Colorado Sports Medicine and Orthopaedics (COSMO) in Denver, Colorado. As a former physical therapist & trainer, Dr. Logan provides a distinct expertise in sports injury, prevention, and surgical management.

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