Does PRP help chronic tennis elbow? Efficacy of Platelet-Rich Plasma for Chronic Tennis Elbow: A Double-Blind, Prospective, Multi-Center, Randomized Controlled Trial of 230 Patients
Clinical Question: What is the clinical value of tendon healing with PRP in patients with chronic tennis elbow?
Research Update…
Source: AJSM, first published July 2013
Bottom Line
At 24 weeks, clinically meaningful improvements were found in patients treated with leukocyte-rich PRP compared to active controls.
Points to consider
These 230 patients had already failed at least 3 months of conventional therapy. A successful treatment was defined as 25% or greater improvement on the visual analog pain scale. At 12 weeks, the differences between groups were not significant.
At 24 weeks, those treated with LR-PRP had improved pain scores and less elbow tenderness. The benefit of PRP is not immediate.